The Evidence of God's Hand

As I mentioned in my previous blog, God has been removing obstacles and providing in huge ways in order for us to adopt Nikolai. The evidence that God's hand has been at work in even the minute details of bringing our son home is overwhelming.

About 3 weeks ago Drew and I received a substantial tax return. We had already decided that when we got it, we would put the majority of it onto our mortgage for our house in SC so that we could then lower the sale price some more and hopefully sell the house. With the other portion we were going to buy a laptop because our desktop was broken and was going to cost a ridiculous amount of money to fix. Our laptop, well if you saw it you would understand, it would only work when plugged in and would still shut off at random times.

I remember the day I was sitting at the computer ready to use the tax return to pay down the mortgage and I suddenly just felt like God was saying "wait, just hold on to that money for now." Then the same thing happened as we were about to purchase the laptop online; we had it in the shopping cart, ready to check out and then Drew and I both had this sense that it would not be a wise use of our money, so we didn't buy it.

Last week an acquaintance of Drew's fixed our desktop for $45! It's running like new now. Right after we sent in our commitment papers to adopt Nikolai, our property management group emailed and said, "we have a rental application for your house and it looks good." They sign the lease this Monday and we will no longer have to pay any money toward out SC house!

Because we held on to our tax return we had the money we needed to cover our application fee, home study fees, and Promise Trust fee for Nikolai's adoption. We would normally never have that kind of "expendable" money.

When Drew and I first told Andrea of Reece's Rainbow that we wanted to commit to adopting Nikolai she emailed us and said there was $1811 in a grant for him. On top of that a lady in Germany had been sending money every week specifically for whoever would adopt Nikolai! Then my new friend from Hudson's therapist office, who told me about Reece's Rainbow, gave me $100 when I told her we had already committed to Nikolai.

If your reading this and you can't see the hand of God working...get your vision checked. This whole situation is the handiwork of our Heavenly Father. I have never before in my life done something this huge in faith and so clearly seen God knocking down obstacles. He is so faithful.


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